有 Java 编程相关的问题?




例如:对于文本~*_abc~xyz~ ~123~,我希望以下表达式作为匹配模式:

  1. ~*_abc~
  2. ~xyz~
  3. ~123~


我尝试使用regex ~[\w]+?~,但它没有给我~xyz~。我想重新考虑一下。但我不想把~~作为可能的匹配

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    capturing inside a positive lookahead与以下正则表达式一起使用:

    Sometimes, you need several matches within the same word. For instance, suppose that from a string such as ABCD you want to extract ABCD, BCD, CD and D. You can do it with this single regex:


    At the first position in the string (before the A), the engine starts the first match attempt. The lookahead asserts that what immediately follows the current position is one or more word characters, and captures these characters to Group 1. The lookahead succeeds, and so does the match attempt. Since the pattern didn't match any actual characters (the lookahead only looks), the engine returns a zero-width match (the empty string). It also returns what was captured by Group 1: ABCD

    The engine then moves to the next position in the string and starts the next match attempt. Again, the lookahead asserts that what immediately follows that position is word characters, and captures these characters to Group 1. The match succeeds, and Group 1 contains BCD.

    The engine moves to the next position in the string, and the process repeats itself for CD then D.



    regex demo


    Java demo

    String text = " ~*_abc~xyz~ ~123~";
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?=(~[^\\s~]+~))");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
    List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
    while(m.find()) {
    System.out.println(res); // => [~*_abc~, ~xyz~, ~123~]

    以防有人需要Python demo

    import re
    p = re.compile(r'(?=(~[^\s~]+~))')
    test_str = " ~*_abc~xyz~ ~123~"
    # => ['~*_abc~', '~xyz~', '~123~']
  2. # 2 楼答案


    此模式不考虑字符^ {< CD2>}和空间(参照A^ ^ {CD3>})。

    我已经测试过了,它对你的字符串有效,这里是the demo